Hello there!

My name is Pip and I’m a designer with a background in Psychology and Visual Development.

I’m originally from the Philippines but am now based in San Francisco. I love basketball, movies, Overwatch and K-Pop. I love K-Pop so much that I co-own a K-Pop store!

I’ve always been interested in how we communicate and connect as people, and how stories have been an incredibly powerful means to doing just that. It shapes our world and how our society functions. I have always strived to understand others around me, as I feel that it’s crucial in our co-existence. I’m an incredibly easy to work with type of person who loves collaborating and being a team player. One of my biggest strengths in the workplace is my communication and ability to work well with others.

For me, empathy, design and storytelling go hand in hand. As a designer and visual storyteller I’m using my critical eye and my skills as to create memorable user experiences. I believe in the power of story and design in shaping our world for the better.